Products & services
Intelligent Lighting: Martin Macs (including
tons of 2K's and 550's),VariLites, Coemar Cycs, Studio
Spots, Studio Colors, Intellabeams, Cyberlights, Trackspots
Truss: 8' Double-Hung PreRig, Heavy Duty Truss, Genie
Towers, Slings, Shackles Various Lifts and stands
Dimming and Control: We have literally thousands of channels
of State of the Art Dimming and Control equipment including
the new Jands VISTA, full line ETC, Grand MA's, Whole Hogs
Versions 2 and 3, CAE, MA Scan Commander, and more..
Specials: Include a variety of the latest LED Fixtures,
scrollers and color changers, A huge selection of Rosco,
High End Systems, LeMaitre, and City Theatrical fog machines
to create a variety of smoke effects - from low lying
“graveyard” fog to a misty haze. Bubble machines, Mirror
balls and Rope Lights and Chaser controls for your party or
event needs.
Follow Spots: Feature Strong Xenon Super Trouper, Lycian
Super Arc long and short throw units, Lycian Starklite 1271
(with short medium and long throw lenses), Lots of Lycian
Super Club Spots and 1275's, Altman Comets and 1000Q’s.
Miscellaneous Stuff: We have Headsets, miles and miles of
load and multi cable as well as gobs of heavy duty line side
distribution equipment and cables.
Lighting and Grip for Film, TV and Still: Prepackaged Kits,
HMI Pars in 1200 and 2500 watt configuration, stands,
Fresnels, Open Face Broads,
And Of Course: All the Ellipsoidals, Source Fours, Fresnels,
Border lights, Scoops, Pars you need - complete with all the
hanging hardware you require.
We have avariety of standard lighting, video and audio
packages to suit a variety of applications.
We offer stage & stage lighting rentals, & production
services. We specialize in entertainment services for
concerts, theatre, special events, corporate meetings and
much more. Our inventory includes stage lighting fixtures,
intelligent lighting, lasers, special effects, follow spots,
searchlights, power distribution systems, generators, cable
packages, dimmer racks, control consoles, chain motors &
rigging equipment, truss, tents, curtains & drape, portable
staging risers & platforms. In addition we offer lighting &
set design. Technical production assistance, installation,
strike and operational crews.
Products & services
We have stage & stage lighting rentals,& Service
Blinders, barn doors, barricades, cable, c-clamps, chain
motors, custom gobos, dmx cables, feeder cable, fog
machines, fog fluid, fog juice, gobos, hazers & hazer fluid,
load centers, led lighting, led fixtures, mirror balls,
motor controls, moving lights, multi cables, par cans,
racks, rigging, rope light, risers, rolling risers,
shackles, spansets, round slings, strobe lights, touring
supplies, trick line, black lights, wire rope, xenon lamps,
xlr connectors, dmx connectors, dimmers, portable stages,
We have rental equipment from
AC power, altman, antari, apollo gobo, arri, avolites, cam-lok,
citc, clay paky, clearcom, CM, coemar, colortran,
diversitronics, etc, gam gel, ge, genie towers, high end
systems, hes, hubble, James thopmas, jands, kupo, L & e, le
maitre safety, light source, mega claw, lycian follow spots,
neutric, omnisistems, osram, permacel, phillips, pixil line,
pro tape, procell, proplex, pulsar, reelfx, robe show
lighting, rosco, socapex, strand, stage right, Strong,
Thomas truss, tomcat truss, ushio, wildfire, wybron, yellow
jacket, zero 88,
Hes, highend, high end systems, hog 3, hog 2, hog IPC,
cyberlights, intellabeams, dataflash, avolites pearl, robe
show lighting, gaff tape, nsi consoles & dimmers, lycian
followspot, skytracker search lights, etc sensor dimmers,
source 4 pars, source 4 lekos, audience blinders, 4 light, 8
light, par 64, par 56, par 46, par 38, par 36, par 20 par
16, sand bags,