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1/5/05 Hitachi 37 Inch
Plasma Monitor 3:4 format call 909.622.3306 x121
Sony 1024 hd scan
converter lost 12/6/05
909.622.3306 x121
12/14/06...ARLINGTON, Texas --
Investigators are trying to track down thieves who broke into an
Arlington church and stole thousands of dollars worth of audio and
visual equipment.
Police said the criminals broke in through a back window at the All
Nations Baptist Church at Collins Street and Pioneer Parkway.
SACRAMENTO Burglars broke into a local church taking off with
its musical instruments.
The 250 members who use the church were really looking forward to
Palm Sunday service. The program was all printed up. The criminals
who struck the church may have targeted another church nearby.
They're starting holy week on a sour note as they try replacing
musical instruments worth thousands of dollars, that were stolen
from their church
"The main keyboard the piano keyboard was taken, the drum set was
taken. The complete thing," said Jeff Nelson, Arden Christian
"How they got back there they evidently used a crowbar or
something," said Jo Wenish, Arden Christian Church.
She says the crooks didn't just steal from the sanctuary.
"The keys to the audio visual room were here and they obviously used
the key," said Jo.
They entered almost every office of the 52-year-old church emptying
out draws and cupboards
"This is how they got into the Church of God, obviously," said Jo.
She has lots of photographs of Thursday night's burglary she's
sharing with fellow church members. Sacramento County Sheriff's
Deputies say there was another church burglary on the same night
less than two miles away. No word on what was taken or if the same
crooks are responsible.
Members of Arden Christian Center have been spending the day
preparing for Palm Sunday.. Renting and hiring equipment.
"The main mixing board we don't have any sound in here which is why
we rented something for tomorrow," said Jeff.
And even now, with so much loss they're trying to be grateful.
"If they had damaged the organ that would be trouble but hey
didn't," said John Riggs. "They didn't vandalize the facility they
just took the stuff."
Deputies believe at least two or three crooks were involved in the
crime and it would have taken a couple of hours to load up
equipment. If you saw anything suspicious, give them a call. Church
members are now desperately trying to buy or rent cheap musical
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Key Benefits
- Serial Number
and Pictures
- Date Stolen (make a
police report for your protection)
- Information about what
was stolen
Report Any Information To the Police First
First you must call your local
police. Then get pictures of what was taken and any ID
numbers or marks that will help identify your
property. Just email to
Report Thefts
pictures in jpg. or gif. format, with your name, telephone number, email
address and if you are offering a reward. We will then post it here and spread
the word. (If you do not have access to a scanner then send us in the
mail your photos to the address at the bottom of the page).
If someone tries to sell you stolen firearm or weapon, call the
police first then email us and
we will put the owner in touch with you. Use the Red
Hot Line to the left.
Some reports offer a reward.